Inside the Bunker, you can see the Shield-Weaver Armor behind glass, protected by a panel with two Power Cells missing. Finding a Power Cell will set a waypoint that leads you directly to the Bunker, but if you want to find it on your own, look on the western side of the map near Devil's Thirst.

Power Cells are littered throughout five separate story quests, which means you won't be able to complete the sidequest until you're nearly finished with the game. The Ancient Armory sidequest activates as soon as you pick up any Power Cell, or find the Bunker that holds the Shield-Weaver Armor. To do that, players will need to find a few Power Cells to claim this armor that's tucked away in a bunker. Given that it is the strongest armor in the game, most players would do well to try and unlock this as fast as possible. This unique set of optional armor is only available through a side quest called Ancient Armory. Tazgol's Ancestral Axe, a quest reward for Carzog's Demise.One of the best outfits in Horizon Zero Dawn is the Shield-Weaver Armor.Targoth's Shield, a quest reward for Tormented Souls.Sugar Jacket, a quest reward for The Family Business.Storm-Slave's Razor, a quest reward for The Tempest Unleashed.Smuggler's Vest, a quest reward for Like Moths to a Candle.Seyne's Bootknife, a quest reward for Hozzin's Folly.Rootsplitter, a quest reward for The Root of the Problem.Ratsplatter, a quest reward for A Pinch of Sugar.Queen's Own Cuirass, a quest reward for The Perils of Diplomacy.Neramo's Staff, a quest reward for Buried Secrets.Mourning Bow, a quest reward for Tears of the Two Moons.Kingsguard Hammer, a quest reward for Unearthing the Past.Jakarn's Machete, a quest reward for Innocent Scoundrel.Hazak's Hauberk, a quest reward for Moon-Sugar Medicament.General Vette's Greatsword, a quest reward for Breaking the Tide.General Emax's Staff, a quest reward for Zeren in Peril.Gallant Chain, a quest reward for Tip of the Spearhead.Earth-Turner Axe, a quest reward for If By Sea.Darj's Shield, a quest reward for What Waits Beneath.Bonesplinter, a quest reward for The Frozen Man.Broadhead Shield, a quest reward for Cast Adrift.