How to addons on heroes wow
How to addons on heroes wow

How you manage your project long term is up to you. Do explore the available extensions and make your own decision on their usefulness. I have crossed paths with vscode plugins touting both Lua and World of Warcraft support but the editor is sufficient out of the box for what is needed here. That should be more than enough for this journey and enable future programming endeavors. If you don’t already have a preference I would recommend downloading Microsoft Visual Studio Code. Older tutorials will recommend you the most basic of text editors, which will work, but we can do better than that. We’re going to need an editor to develop this addon. If you’ve used or written a macro in game you’re already ahead. I’m a software engineer by trade but I’ve never written a game addon before, so it’s not a requirement that you have either. This article assumes you have at least some basic knowledge in software development and are at least interested in how the World of Warcraft addon system works.

how to addons on heroes wow

Then, out of nowhere, my curiosity got the best of me. With all my handicaps addressed I was firmly hooked. I installed quite a few addons while feeling like a kid in a candy store. What addons were out there and what they could do for me? Everyone had so much experience I thought it was only fair that I bridge the gap. Not having a clue, I played for a few sittings before getting the itch. Unlike me they had played on and off for the last fifteen years, both vanilla and retail. Minutes passed during my group’s first play of the game and the chatter started about all the addons they just had to install. Classic finally launched on Augand I joined in as to not miss out on the twice in a lifetime experience. I was tempted to play again after learning about “vanilla” servers but had already mentally committed myself to wait for the official servers.

how to addons on heroes wow

During the hype around “classic” I tried “retail” for a moment and abruptly stopped due to a move to a new home.

how to addons on heroes wow

I skipped over WoW for reasons I can’t completely recall. I played other Blizzard games, both before and after its release, including the original Warcraft series and Diablo. A Beginner’s Guide to Developing an Addon for World of Warcraft Classic

How to addons on heroes wow