Specifically, harassing her by giving her shit for disrespecting the military by spilling coffee on one of their uniforms-like the PKC menacing Jessica in episode 3, here we see men emboldened by ideals of militaristic nationalism using that rhetoric to justify their violence. As Yang and his friend Cazellnu look on from the balcony, Walter von Schenkopp and his subordinates Lintz and Blumhart step in to interfere with a group of officers harassing a waitress. In this incredibly badass (and subversive!) scene we’re introduced to the Rosen Ritter (薔薇の騎士, “Knights of the Rose”), a specialized close combat unit made up of the children of Imperial defectors. Elsewhere, it’s Reinhard and Kircheis’s turn to gaze out over a balcony. Yang recruits the Rosen Ritter to aid in his plan of infiltrating Iserlohn by impersonating an Imperial ship. After failing six times to capture the “impregnable” Iserlohn Fortress, the Alliance military higher-ups decide that the problem was that they didn’t have enough of a scrappy underdog narrative trope going on, and send Yang in with a ragtag half fleet to accomplish the seemingly impossible.